
I am only human. This means that although I am prone to embarrassing errors, I am also capable of learning from those mistakes and improving my skills. My work as a translator is no exception in this respect—while simple mis-readings will no doubt still occur, my ability to recognize and interpret idiomatic phrasing is leaps and bounds beyond what it was when I began doing this seriously. Therefore, this page will catalog and amend any passages in my published translations which I have subsequently come to recognize are inaccurate.

Necromancy in the Medici Library, Hadean Press, 2020

p. 67

translating: …quia facto fasciculo homo se spoliat, et intrat cubiculum…

replace: …for having made the bundle, one unwraps it and enters the bedchamber…

with: …for having made the bundle, one undresses and enters the bedchamber…

p. 95

translating: …profunditas scientiae suae expandens voluit Deo equari:

replace: God willed the depth of their knowledge to be expanded.

with: The depth of his knowledge expanding, he willed to be equal to God.

p. 111

translating: …et in tali statu positus ac si mori deberes:

replace: …and being placed in such a state, you must also maintain that manner.

with: …and you shall be thus prepared even if it kills you.

p. 115

translating: …et tunc potest homo constringere spiritus malignos ad communicandum[*] mulieres viduas corruptas, ut maritatas, ut puta in Sagiptario

[*upon review of the manuscript, the abbreviated text which I had interpreted as “communionem dum” may more likely be “communicandum”.]

replace: …and then one can bind malign spirits to consort with women, widows, and harlots, whether married or girls, whose sign is Sagittarius;

with: …and then one can bind malign spirits to consort with women and seduce widows, as though they were married, as for example in Sagittarius;

The Miserly Ghost, or, Conjuration of a Spirit Who Has Hidden a Treasure, Revelore Press, 2022

p. 1

translating: …sub forma ignis apud clibanum[*] ostendisti:

[*I made this translation using a digitized facsimile of an 1846 printed edition of Johann Scheible’s Das Kloster. In a number of instances, the text (especially italics) is not perfectly legible. Hence, I misread this word as “olibanum” (frankincense) rather than, as I have since discerned, “clibanum” (oven).]

replace: …(you) appeared in the form of a fire when some frankincense was burned;

with: …(you) appeared in the form of a fire before the oven;